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Wednesday, January 2, 2008 . 11:13 AM

Hmm update on demand.....
Well here goes. Kind of in a boring mood hey guess what it's another year!Wohooo,
I'm thankfull for being alive for another and yes I am. Ok !~ I just went thru like a
few of my "SS" gangs blogs and find it really amusing.. And then feeling all kinda sad and kinda happy too and kinda you know wat... sigh ok im being emo =( and oh no ryan is ending his blog!! WHICH MEANS no more story... *sobs*

Despite being emo-ish ok im still gona write i mean type ergghh argghh wateva~ !
- cited from Michelle Chun founder of wateva and Ryan Teoh co-founder -

Ahh... forgive me for my terrible usage of words and structure =.= couldn't get my turtle brains~ moving right.

Okie.. im imagining on doing something really weird right now like putting some dialogs "that i imagine it will be how I imagine it will be"

WOAH COOL SENTENCE RITE ... lol could you actually imagine something to imagine how you imagine it? Ya'all readers shall think about it XD


Ryan's Lame conversation

Ryan : Hey so hows *green* doing... ( it's a personnal joke )

Arthur : @_@ dude... what's wrong with you = . =

Ryan : Heee heee Heee heee *ki siao*

Arthur : You just had to didnt you... Z Z Z

Joey's Normal Reaction

Arthur : Joyyy....! ( starts pooking )

Joey: Hey.. ( runs offf zoooooooooom)
*his sensitive to tickling =)*

Paul the Pao the Pau the SIU MAI ?

Arthur : Pao later wan go where eat?

Paul : Strawberry Fields !!!!!

Arthur : Why are you so in luv with that place man = . =

Paul : Eh the carbonara super nice man especially the waitress serving it
(woops i added sum words there XD)

Arthur : Hey dum dum

Michelle : Who you calling a dum dum pffftt.... Go away
I'm busy not talking to you

Arthur : Ahh okay okay you're not dum ure just dumber

Michelle : ahh wateva~

Okay... I'm seriously sleepy and i can't think much anymore.
Well nywayz that's all for the crappy update. Soory guys the rest of you all i'll post some other time =)


Monday, October 8, 2007 . 8:01 AM


Sighhhh .... lol it's a really boring and gloomy start... gosh haha don't know what to say about that. Depressing i guess ??=( . Long time since I had touch this little blog page haha. Okay... let's get this going ! Exams are finished first sem is done ! =) troubles had came and passed, thoughts that's been pondering around my mind has grown to be much much much more.....!!!!!! Overloading my brain capacity >.< sigh..... Okie 3 weeks holidayz i have on my hands now what to do ??? Any ideas???

  • First option ! - Search for a part time job! Parents asked me to work with my sister temporally as a intern to get experience and watch the big "kids" in the office play their political game.. haha really interesting sometimes =p

  • Second option ! - Go get my license lol! It's been like how many months ==" even JAM'S GOT her license already!!! Even depressed ..

  • Third choice ! - Stay at home and rot infront of the computer waiting for holidayz to end. (hmm seems like the most reasonable choice and most "interesting" of all XD)

  • Fourth..... - LoL out of ideas.... i'll leave this to my friends to gimme ideas =)

That's all for my holiday plan! Let's see what i've been doing today..... hmmm like i always do stay at home rot infront of my computer, irritating those gullible little friends i have :P ( you know who you are XD) and then having lot's and lot's and lotttt'ssss........ of meaningless thoughts running thru my brains.. =S hate that! just have to have it everytime when im ____ . ( if you know what supposed to be filled there you understand me =) just a hint starts from "S")
OWhhH wait the most interesting part of my day! I went reading !!!! agagaga I read!!! believe it??? surprisedd??? ngek ngek
Was desperate ==" lol if i hadn't been reading my brain woulda explode and became bits... had too much thought and thinking going arround... you know I don't really know why but I always tend to "read" things.... if you know what i mean hmm maybe that's why i have too much to think ...
You know it's like this interesting topic i've been reading that talks about body gestures and body language and even eye language relating with voice tones things that give you ways to read what is on the person's mind
=( sometimes usefull but i really hate this THING i am able to do...even when you think it might be usefull... but it has it's drawbacks.. with this things that you would not want to think of usually surface. Wished I was more dunce at this .
Ahhhh helppp ~! Well sigh ...
Takes a big sighh again... Gona end another of my day with a bunch of thoughts running thru my brains again ....



Monday, August 20, 2007 . 8:36 AM

It's happening all over again.... why?? why is it always happening?? although it's only the second time but its not something that is so trivial its not a small thing whereby u can say it's just the second time but it's something i would never want a second time to happen. I've been pondering about it on my way home as tears were falling why izit? Can't even remember when was the last time my eyes were unleasing its droplets of water. I let it off just like that and now im thinking how to solve this problem , or maybe just maybe i should leave things the way it is.... I don't know what to do anymore.....

Friday, July 20, 2007 . 5:38 PM

It's been awhile again since i last posted *sighs......* things havent been going well lately.. college is just disasterous only in a certain area thou =) assignments pilling up argghh~ ! haha can't believe i would be complaining about assignment goosh...... Anywayz another disasterous week has passed. WHY so disasterous you want to know? Well it has been a totally turbulent week for me =( having my brain being worked up too much ain't good. Do you know that a human only uses less then 15% of their brain capacity? Gosh!! i think i used up almost to 20% just this week =S. and uhuh lol 20% is alot for me :p normally i can only run my brain less then 5 minutes... and it goes..

Shutting down saving document and settings...

Owh by the way the document and settings meant my brain =) .Sighs again.... it ain't fun to have things working out like this for me =( ... well personally my relationships ain't going well to ... *takes another big sigh.....* Haiz maybe i just have an apitude of creating problems myself lol .. Guess what that's me =) you won't really know this till you actually know me deep more. I have this well hidden =) and you have to search it high and low for it :p ahaha. Okay.. this is becoming much nuisance i don't have anything much more to write =S well maybe that's all for my post this time .


Thursday, July 5, 2007 . 9:18 AM


HOHO group pic group pic =)
*Tk & Kx gaying...* WITHOUT ME???

Don't this two girls looks just adorable ~~~
(Eh wait one of them is a guy... forgot =S)


~just a BIG reminder the guy in white shirt in the middle is not a dude i think he was in a~
~wrong picture XD~

Next THE extremely,totally,undeniable,truthfully,reall reall reall adorable and cute girl picture .!~
owh btw i think im falling sick urgh...can't lie....

A tip for the guys out there don't lie in your pic comment or you will receive deadly punishment..... this comment is only aplicable to the one and only picture above this statement. *this girls are deadly... but they don't show it*

Hahah okie somehow this post seems to be very colourfull readers get your eye transplant appointment ready... ure gona need it =) . Aiyah lazy wana continue so much sori lar bloggie im a lazy guy =( to those out there enjoy this post..... hehe.



Saturday, June 30, 2007 . 3:15 AM

Why?..... you know just sometimes during my free time i just stare off to the space and start thinking of my life..... it's weird hahaha i seem to have stupid thoughts.... especially about relationships =( although i keep telling myself i don't want to get involved in a relationship the err there is this urm haih I cant seem to find a suitable word... should i say imeasurable desire??that is giving this thoughts.... I myself know i don't want to get into it but it just bugs me u know =( .Well not only relationship problems others too pop up in my mind... well i need a strong will and strong mind to restrain myself. Gosh i really need strength man.....

Friday, June 22, 2007 . 9:37 AM

Ahhh just another day have passed and i seem to be realising something about myself,it's like knowing that sometime rite...... I just act weirdly. Let's say if i were to fail something give a example let's say a test.... and owh btw i did fail a test today =). It's not a surprise though i always fail tests. Those who have known me for some time it's not something new for you right??? =)...and so let me continue about this feeling i think i am feeling about. I somehow have this weird feeling in me saying ~that owh arthur u have just FAILED your test it's ok be happy show that you're happy~... It's been the same since secondary school.I've never had this weird feeling before till i started failing my first subject miserably and that is addmath. It's just like you know i start showing that im okay im still happy even thought i fail then suddenly after a while when i start to get to a quiet enviroment my feelings turn 180 degrees.Then i start having this really saddening feeling building within me. Is this just a natural thing for me to do just to pretend??You know whaT?? i don't think i can always keep showing this happy face one day I might just drop down and say i failed miserably and im useless. Maybe just one day this stupid face can show it's true emotion when things happen. I been told by someone that i was a complicated person and the only reason I ! AM! complicated is because i have this feeling that is being played around inside of me turning things complicated sort of trying to protect myself from something that I don't even know what it is about. It's all just crap !! seriously i tell you and I still can't get it till today why am i acting like this. Sometime I wonder why do i have this weird behaviour maybe one day i can just find out why........

Monday, June 11, 2007 . 9:02 AM

As usual a day passes ..... BUT today was another disasterous day. Had the worst case study ever..........! Actually we were suppose to make some article using microsoft words. Well basically as usual we start of reading the instruction and then tried doing it without the help of the lecturer.... * trying to be smart XD * and then it continues after a while everyone seem to stumble till a point and I'm already starting to feel unhappy about it.Seriously i tell you it was bad the instructions that were given to us was totally crap it has the worst instructions anyone can ever think of. Then one of my coursemate started saying ~ Help me laaaaa i duno wat to doooo someone teach me, eh please help laaaa~ .So then i started teaching her how to do,but it seems like instead of teaching her i was practically doing for her...... Typical girls u know they seem to take advantage of guys that are kind like me =( -WARNING SELF PRAISE DETECTED - Okay enough with the crap talking and so everyone tried discussing how to do bla bla bla bla then we reach a point the instruction teaches how to unformat and we read it then we continue and then we did what the isntruction said and POOOOF!~ everything was unformatted =) isn't that great all the hard work we did was gone AND I BLAME THE INSTRUCTIONS! HAha well you were probably thinking why were we so dum to even follow such a instruction well everyone was dumb founded during then. Don't blame us blame the instructions XD.

Well sometimes , we should learn how NOT to rely only on instructions. This teaches me a great lesson that some instructions are practically dum an it is not meant to be followed.

Sunday, June 10, 2007 . 6:35 AM

After a tiring day coming back from v201 class I had Kar Kien to send me back his also known as (KK) blessed with a brother who always sends me back =) .GUESS WHAT! I just got started on blogging and it just have to happen to me! What you ASK??? It's THE SYSTEM I TELL YOU! . I had to make create a new blog one after another just because of some stupid error. Seriously the previous post i had before this was pointless and now im going crazy. My brain are like exploding ~KA BOOOOOMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!~Hope I don't become a retard after this.....Gosh seriously why did I even get hooked up in blogging if it's not because of AH YEN i don't think i would be getting involve in this in the first place.

Anywayz not like I'm not gratefull that she was the reason made me started this well maybe its going to be better after everything is being set up. I just can't believe i could not get started with something SOOOO "simple" like blogging. Well as you've can already feel the bad mood called anger in me swelling up now i don't think i should continue this it's giving my head a serious headache but before i end this ~lainey~ gosh seriously i tell you i hate blogging right before i get started it's kinda not good for me now hopefully it get better =(.Well that wraps everything that's been happening to me for the pass 4 hours and I REALLY MEAN 4 HOURS!!!!